Tell us about yourself, your journey and what led you to become the woman you are today?
I’m a mother of two amazing little humans and a very passionate fitness instructor of 20+ years, with a number of brands in the same wellness-y space. I’m currently the founder of beat-driven fitness concept The Upbeat, in Bondi Beach and the co-founder of healthy snack food company Chief Nutrition and sustainable activewear brand Earthletica. I also have a few side hustles in the world of content and presenting, and an annual business/wellness retreat called Nurture Change. I’m that woman who just doesn’t (can’t?) sit still, for sure.
What does motherhood mean to you?
Parenthood is the meaning of life really, for me. I struggled with infertility for 10 years before falling pregnant with my now 5yo Izzy, and I had my second baby, 2yo Harry, when I was 40, so by the time they came along it was just such a joy and a relief, and they just made everything else make sense, I was so ready for them.
I’m not saying it’s not hard being a parent… I found the first year of motherhood incredibly difficult with each baby, mostly because we’re a small business family so there wasn’t space for ‘maternity leave’ and I had no option but to work, which was a difficult balance.
But I’m absolutely obsessed with being a mother. I’ve grown so much as a person since having my kids, and they just bring such glimmers of joy and amazement into our lives every day. I have so much energy for them. I’ve breastfed and co-slept with each of them for years and am already mourning my last experience of being a mama of “little kids”, as Harry will be my last.
How do you celebrate or cope with Mothers Day?
We’re a busy household with only very small children, and breakfast in bed would be an absolute nightmare for me (crumbs in the sheets no thanks! Haha), so it’s usually handmade cards from the little ones, big cuddles and me telling them how much I love being their mummy, and then it’s time to celebrate the grandmas!
My mum is amazing and so beloved, but she lives quite far away, so it’s a facetime call to her and then we’ll do lunch or something fun with my husband’s mum, who’s also an absolute gem. I feel so lucky to still have both of them in my life at this stage…

Something you love and admire about your own Mother?
My mum is incredibly creative, fun and full of energy. We only get to see her a few times a year but it’s always the highlight of our year, especially the little ones who just can’t get enough of her energy, creative games and endless ‘secret toys’ pulled out of cupboards here, there and everywhere. Mum also has an amazing way of just supporting us to, ‘give things a go’, I can honestly say she wouldn’t care if I was a superstar or a garbage collector, so long as I was happy about it, and that’s a pretty special gift.
With four successful businesses under your belt, including @theupbeatbondi and @earthletica @chief.nutrition, what inspired you to venture into the fitness, nutrition and fashion industries, and how do you maintain momentum across multiple ventures?
My gym business is both work and fun for me, I’m obsessed with my team and the unique experiences we deliver and the way it’s literally a mental health strategy for so many women in our community. I honestly just know that my time running @theupbeatbondi will always be remembered as one of the best times in my life, and every time I walk in there it’s with that energy.
Chief Nutrition is a healthy snack business I co-founded when a few of us just couldn’t find healthy packaged snacks to recommend to our clients, so we decided to create what was missing. My husband and our other co-founders now run that business operationally, and I’m involved from a strategy and marketing perspective, so it’s not day-to-day for me.
Earthletica and my content businesses really do tick off my other passions – I’m a qualified journalist and have lived an entire LIFE in activewear and wanted to give back to that space with a brand that could take the industry forward in a positive way. I won’t lie I am absolutely pressed for time running them all while being a mama of two, but I just don’t know what I’d ever give up, I love them all, they’re all in my area of passion and I don’t want to die not having given a few things a red-hot go, y’know ;)
Balancing marriage, motherhood, and a thriving career can be demanding. How do you and your partner support each other in maintaining a harmonious family life while pursuing individual passions?
We’re probably way too practical, Justin and I. We divide and conquer beautifully and could probably do with some more time for romance if I’m honest! But we also had a very long time together before kids and businesses came along, so there’s a really stable base to work from and we just know and love each other so deeply, and we know we’ve got each other’s backs.
Mini breaks are a really treasured part of the family experience for us, just putting the phones down and getting out of ‘the zone’ and into some connected family time for a few days.
We’re really looking forward to the kids (and businesses!) being a little bigger and getting some bigger holidays in too!

With children aged 2 and 5, how do you incorporate fitness and healthy living into your family's daily routine, and what activities do you enjoy doing together as a family?
Justin and I workout before the kids are awake, usually… me at The Upbeat, and on the mornings I’m not working, he’ll take off for a gym session. The kids see this and are very connected to my upbeat community, and can clearly see that moving your body is a normal part of everyday life. We have a little ‘green time for screen time’ rule which means we’ll spend whole days out and about before letting them settle down to an afternoon movie on weekends, or on weeknights if we let them watch a few cartoons before dinner, we’ll head out for a short ‘night walk’ right after the meal to help everyone wind down a bit. I don’t really believe in talking to kids about ‘good and bad foods’ as it’s really unhelpful, food shouldn’t come with morality attached!
So we don’t talk about it much, I just offer up great, whole food choices 80% of the time, and don’t make a big deal out of it if they want some sweets or processed food, and move on.
I really believe that kids want to do what they see their parents do, so I make healthy choices myself and tell them why I’m making them, for example, “I’m feeling a bit flat, I’m going to grab a bit of fruit for some energy!”, or, “I’ve just had a big workout so I’m going to cook some eggs to refuel my body, you want some?” and if we all feel like some fun food, we have it and celebrate it! Our basic rule is, mostly whole/real foods.
With your expertise in fitness and nutrition, along with your busy schedule as a business owner and mother, can you share with us one of your favorite quick and nutritious recipes that your family loves?
A no-fail breakfast in our household is whole food pancakes – mash up one ripe banana, add two eggs and one big scoop of our Chief Nutrition vanilla collagen powder (it’s just real food with no added nasties, so it’s great for kids – the chocolate one is also our healthier substitute for Milo for hot drinks and sprinkled on oats!), then mix up and cook them in a little butter like pancakes! Such a yummy, protein packed breakfast and they’ll love it, especially if you drizzle a little honey or maple on top ;)
Could you share with us a particularly rewarding moment or achievement in your journey as a fitness and wellbeing entrepreneur and mother?
When I had my first baby, I thought I was done in the fitness industry because the hours just weren’t condusive with having a child… when I fell pregnant with my second I revisited that fear all over again, but here I am with a 5yo and 2yo and a thriving studio space and a few other businesses too and honestly, just being here, in this moment, with a career flexible enough to allow me to be there for my kids at every school pickup, after school activity and weekend hang is an achievement I’m proud of.
I was also a bit of a perfectionist young entrepreneur, so I’m pretty proud of the way motherhood has made me more flexible and real in my approach.

Saben Style – What Saben bag is always by your side? And what’s next on your wishlist?
My current obsession is the busy-mum friendly Cleo! But for the ‘next stage’ of motherhood, where I may actually venture out of the house past 6pm again, I’ve got my eyes on a purely-for-play bag, like the Juliet or the Lily!
Libby wears Cleo Crossbody in Cactus throughout.