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Lady Loving Session: Meet Aroha Harawira

Lady Loving_Aroha


We welcome Aroha Harawira to the Saben family! She's our fitness inspiration, healthy chicky, music master, award winning DJ, George FM Breakfast Host, record collector, traveller and all round hot babe!! 

Aroha shares a bit about herself in our latest Saben Lady Loving Session #aroha #lady #sabenlove


What you don’t know about Aroha:

"When I was a kid I used to be really good at embroidery & once embroidered a snail for the backdrop curtain for the restored Shakespearean Globe Theatre in London. It’s still there."

Pretty cool right!!


Aroha's TOP FIVE SABEN picks:

1)  Eye on You purse

2)  Luca

3) Ivy (mustard)

4) Hudson

5) Kiss Me Quick (bag)

timthumb (4)-horz

Is there a method behind your edit?

Fun accessories add style and personality to even the most casual outfit – perfect for me. anigif Style resume_arohaharawira_saben My fave footwear: I spend hours standing when I’m DJing and on the radio, so I’m a sneakers girl – Nike Air Max and Converse Chuck Taylors all the way. My fail-safe piece: my Jetset Bohemium sequined bomber jacket – so sparkly yet still casual enough to rock with jeans & sneakers. My fave Saben handbag: My black fur Saben Laney – people are always stroking it, it’s so lush & lovely & is the perfect size. What SOS items I always carry in it: Hand cream, a bright MAC lippie, headphones, iPhone and a notebook & pen. Describe your style… Comfortable & feminine with a rock ‘n’ roll edge. [caption id="attachment_12659" align="aligncenter" width="600"]IMG_5956 Aroha wearing her favourite Saben handbag: Laney[/caption] IMG_5976 Swoon_arohaharawira_saben Crushing:  Josh Homme – my love for the giant ginger rock god is undying. Coveting: the Ruby winter collection Watching:  Game Of Thrones Eating: Chocolate Nice Cream Listening to: Little Dragon “Nabuma Rubberband” Game_of_thrones_cast-tile

THANKS for hanging with us Aroha!

To keep up with Aroha follow her FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER


Love the Sabenettes xx