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Mother's Day | At home with Fiona Goddard

There is a lot we admire about Fiona, let alone her impeccable style and flawless beauty. She is an absolute honey, brews a great cuppa, a home-maker and it’s easy to see that sentiment as she styles her home with family at the heart of it all.

Just two years ago they purchased a grand old double bay villa, built in 1910. So much love and intent has been poured into this home, so it feels extra special  to capture Fi with her daughter Billie on their porch for our 2020 edition of the Mother’s Day “porch-trait’ project.

Fiona Goddard for Saben Mothers Day Porch-trait project 2020 Captured by Tash Stokes from Black Robin Photography

Fiona Goddard on the front steps of her Birkenhead home for Saben Mother's Day porch-trait project 2020 captured by Black Robin Photography

Tell us about your home, was it love at first sight?

I will never forget the first viewing; I fell utterly head-over-heels in love as the house had my dream Victorian ceilings. I remember walking into the master bedroom looking up and got full-body goose-bumps!  It has a big wide hallway that goes all the way down the centre of the home, so many things that made it feel grand yet homely... But as to be expected when taking a closer look, she needed huge attention with renovations (although you didn’t have to look close at the vibrant green walls and hideous choice of wall paper)

And the renovations..

Looking back, we have done quite a lot in only two years. Especially with Josh doing mostly all the work. Some days I sit back quietly impressed with his skills! I’ve become that annoying house proud person, I truly do love the home we are making for our family! It’s a process that’s made me realise how passionate I am about interior design. It is hard work that never seems to end - but it’s ours, and seeing those visions come to life that I imagined when I very first viewed the home is beyond rewarding.

In lieu of Mother’s Day, tell us what motherhood means to you 

Motherhood is discovering love in no other way you have experienced ever before, it fills you up entirely. Its trusting your gut feeling even though you question yourself ten times over. Laughing one minute and crying the next. It’s all about the small wins that can feel victorious. Having courage to be strong even when you feel as though you might fall apart. Never have I learnt more in my life since becoming Billies mum, she has been my biggest teacher and I am so grateful to be her Mama.

How has lock-down evolved your outlook; what did it mean for you and your family.

It’s made me realise a lot of things, but a huge one would be how grateful I am for my husband when he is home as he’s been extremely hands-on with Billie. Previous to the lockdown he would often be away for work sometimes weeks at a time. So having him home for such an extended period of time has been really invaluable to me and to us as a family. Not to take away from the fact there has been hard days, there was a day I had to take myself out for a half an hour sanity drive haha WILD TIMES

Something you cherish about your daughter Billie

I am beyond proud of Billie and how even at the age of 2 and a half she is already such a strong willed, kind, clever and funny little lady that’s better at dancing than I will ever be! I cannot wait to see her conquer the world because she already has so much to give in a big way! She is testing to say the least and knows how to push every single button but I know it will get her far in life as a strong woman one day.

Fiona Goddard with her daughter Billie for Saben Mother's Day Project 2020 captured by Tash Stokes of Black Robin Photography 

Fiona Goddard with her daughter Billie for Saben Mother's Day Project 2020 captured by Tash Stokes of Black Robin Photography

At home with Fiona Goddard and daughter Billie for Saben Mothers Day

Fiona Goddard with her daughter Billie for Saben Mother's Day Project 2020 captured by Tash Stokes of Black Robin Photography

Fiona Goddard with her daughter Billie for Saben Mother's Day Project 2020 captured by Tash Stokes of Black Robin Photography

Fiona Goddard with her daughter Billie for Saben Mother's Day Project 2020 captured by Tash Stokes of Black Robin Photography

Fiona Goddard with her daughter Billie for Saben Mother's Day Project 2020 captured by Tash Stokes of Black Robin Photography

at home with Fiona Goddard for Saben Mothers Day portrait project 2020 captured by Tash Stokes Black Robin Photography

Fiona Goddard with her daughter Billie for Saben Mother's Day Project 2020 captured by Tash Stokes of Black Robin Photography

Fiona Goddard with her daughter Billie for Saben Mother's Day Project 2020 captured by Tash Stokes of Black Robin PhotographyPhotography: Tash and Arie Stokes of Black Robin Photography

Saben Style: Fiona wears Saben style WALKER. A chic interpretation of the 90's bum bag trend. Ideal to clip around the waist or wear around the shoulder to keep your hands free for more important things. Shop Walker HERE

Stay in touch. Follow Fi as she shares her home renos, home style, adventures with Billie, her fashion and beauty faves as well as make up picks and tutorials @fionagoddard_