Well, we are back (sighs) I am having Bali withdrawals, and a serious bout of food depression, but on the whole, happy to be home and back in the office; ready to boast about the joys of working from Bali and brag about the fruits of our labour. (Have you seen the new BFF colours yet?!)
Say ‘Bali’ and most people think paradise. There are stunning sunsets, perfect fruit blends and a temple on almost every corner. This steamy Indonesian island is a surfing hot spot and has a rollicking nightlife. Sure, it's gotten pretty touristy, especially on the pub crawl along Kuta Beach, where beer-swilling Australians rule. But for Saben, Bali is seriously intense; It is about working, sourcing, meetings, decisions, emailing, spending, researching, darting here and zipping there. We are deep amongst the chaos. Decisions have to made fast, money is spent faster and we are totally immersed in the collection 24/7. Working from Bali has a set of challenges all of its own. BUT it is a dream job, and along the way we find pieces of paradise, also known as perks of the job.
16 days to buy leather and do the quality control for Winter 12 production as well as sourcing new leather and developing the samples for the summer 12/13 collection. Totally consumed by the new range, we are literally living eating and breathing for summer 12/13. Every ounce of caffeine, every pothole ridden drive, every thought in the humidity and chaos that is Bali is dedicated to the new range. We wake up and go flat tack until the evening cocktail - even that is spent reflecting on the days events, pending decisions and perfecting the plan for tomorrows venture.
From the coffee to the cocktails, pedicures to pools we have done the research for you. And, as promised… here are the Best Of’s